A couple of weeks ago I came across the Layers Clothing website, after finding a posting about it on a blog. The clothes were just so cute, and after tooling around the website a bit I found that they are a direct selling company (ie Mary Kay, Avon, .Mark). I put in an application to be a rep, or a Stylist, as you're called for this company. The following day I recieved a response, saying that my application had been accepted. I thought about it for a few days, and after consulting with some friends and family about the idea I decided to go ahead with it. I did quite a bit of research, of course, and had some really positive conversations with Laura, the marketing director. I recieved my start-up kit today, complete with catalogs, party invites, order forms and ordering software. I already have one party booked for mid-May and I am so excited about it! I encourage everyone to check out their great Spring line and contact me if you're interested in hosting a party. I'll be ordering all my samples tomorrow, one of everything!
I am so glad I came across this opportunity and really excited about the prospect making some extra income, not to mention the perks of some really great clothes!
*click the picture to visit the website*