Well, I apologize for the lack of posting in the...oh, last 6 or so months. Oops!!
We've been very busy lately. Emma started pre-school in September. She absolutely loves it and is in a small class of some really great kids. She goes two days a week, Tuesday and Thursday, for 3 hours. I love having a few hours twice a week to run errands, go to the gym and get things done around the house. Emma is learning so much in school! She can now count to 30, and she no longer includes 'eleventeen' as a number! She has started writing letters, so far she can do an 'E', an 'M' and a 'W'. Emma has also perfected the temper tantrum. She can rock a good blood curdling scream anytime she doesn't get her way...typical. She's also becoming even more of a character, if you can believe that! She is so funny and has us laughing constantly!

Emma on her first day of pre-school!
Also in September, Jessica (my best friend) moved back into our spare room. We love having her live with us and of course, the rent money is a bonus! She is currently in culinary school and is always bringing home yummy treats...especially homemade bread, my weakness!
Fall/Winter brought lots of sniffles, along with the SWINE. Yes, Emma and I had the swine and were down and out for about a week. It was absolutely awful and I don't wish the swine on anyone! Luckily Eric never got it and was able to take care of us, as well as my mom who helped out too.
In December my mom and I took a trip down to San Francisco for a good friends birthday. Sydney used to babysit me when we lived in California. When she first started watching me she was 9 and I was 4. She turned 30 this year and her sister and a few friends threw her a fabulous birthday party. We had a great weekend catching up and celebrating the big 3-0. Shortly after returning from CA I got a phone call from her with BIG NEWS! She was accepted to UW's nursing school and is moving up here in April. I am so excited for her arrival and thrilled to have another awesome friend so close by.
So, that's pretty much the catch up on all that has been happening with us! One of my New Year's Resolutions is to update my blogs more often. Hopefully I can follow through with that, wish me luck!