Next weekend Eric and I are headed to Vancouver, BC for a weekend away! We were originally going so that I could run the Nike Human Race 10k, but since I've injured myself I won't be running it. We already had our hotel reservation so we figured we should go anyways and enjoy a nice weekend away. It will be nice to have a kid-free weekend! We took a trip to Vancouver before Emma was born and had a great time so I'm really looking forward to going again. We'll be staying in the same great hotel, the Sheraton at Wall Centre. I can't wait to take a nice long soak in the jetted tub and do something I haven't done in a long time- SLEEP IN!!

The views from this hotel are absolutely stunning!!
On Saturday we'll be visiting the public market at Granville Island, which neither Eric or I have been to. I'm sure we'll have a nice leisurely lunch and stroll around before heading back for an afternoon nap before dinner out. I can't wait!!
No plans as of yet for Sunday, probably just wandering around and enjoying each other's company.
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