
Madeline Alice Spohr

For the past few days I've been reading Heather Spohr's blog.  I started reading it when I kept seeing #maddie pop up on Twitter and did some investigating to find out who this #maddie person was.  I'm really glad that I did.  I'm determined to read every post, beginning to end.  I've cried more over this little girl, her family and friends, than I have in the last year.  I've also laughed, a lot.  Heather writes brilliantly and her blog and life and Maddie have sucked me in and will, I think, have a small grasp on me forever.  Little Maddie has been on my mind constantly lately and even typing this I'm near tears.  What a sweet, adorable, amazing spirit.  I can not even begin to imagine the pain and heartache that Heather and Mike are experiencing right now.  

I don't think that you can ever recover from the loss of a child, but for some reason I can't help but think that Heather and Mike will, someday, be ok.  They are so strong and I think will continue to honor Maddie, not just mourn her loss.  

Heather wrote an amazing tribute to Maddie, as well as made a video, which both can be seen on the website.  Read the tribute and watch the video with a box of kleenex, you'll need it.  

Heather and Mike, you are in my thoughts and I'm sure thousands of others.  Just keep breathing. 

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